length of bowling alley

How do I store and transport my bowling balls?
Storage and carrying methods are also important aspects of bowling ball care. When storing, the ball should be kept in a dry and ventilated area, away from direct sunlight and high temperatures. When carrying, a special bowling bag should be used to protect the ball from collisions and scratches.
What are the main components of bowling equipment?
Bowling equipment consists mainly of bowling lanes, bowling pin racks, bowling balls and scoring systems. The lane is where the players throw the bowling balls, and the pin rack is where the bowling pins are placed.
Circuit failure, PLC controller failure, unstable sensor signal, etc.
Check circuit connections and repair trouble spots; replace faulty PLC controllers or sensors; calibrate sensor signals to ensure they are stable and reliable.
Is there any guarantee for the bowling equipment after purchase?
We have 13+ years of professional production experience. We provide 3-year warranty for our bowling equipment and parts.Technical support is permanently provided free of charge.
How much does bowling alley equipment cost?
Building a bowling alley may seem very expensive to many people. But you don’t need to spend too much money on Flying. Our prices are very affordable. You can get high-quality bowling equipment at an extremely competitive price from us.